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A Good Time to Fall With a Reckless Heart Restless (A Less Is More Story) Guileless (A Less Is More Story) Sleepless (A Less Is More Story) Breathless (A Less Is More Story) The Spaces in Between A Proof of Possibility
A Warm and Distant Dream What's a Devil to Do? A Truth so Clear Encounter at the Flirtatious Fox Tome for the Holidays Where the Heart Leads When Dealing with Dragons Why Not More Christmas
Intimate Places A Brand New Patch of Sky Wonderly Wroth Christmas Catch A Christmas Secret Especially at Christmas A Place Like Home Not Much of a Christmas Miracle

A Good Time to Fall
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Contemporary Erotic Romance
[33 Pages / 7,200 Words]

When Noel Decker volunteers to help Roy Hollis rake leaves, he doesn't begrudge the daunting scope of the project: just the two of them pitted against all the trees in Roy's massive backyard. Noel will take any excuse to spend time with Roy, and anyway, what are friends for?

What Noel doesn't anticipate are all the new and distracting feelings that kindle in his chest, surrounded by the wild oranges and reds of autumn. For all that he's known Roy for years—Noel's whole life in fact—he's never wanted to cross lines like this. Suddenly Noel is getting all sorts of ideas about this gorgeous older man. Unexpected, brazen, thoroughly explicit ideas.

How is he supposed to resist these reckless impulses, when Roy admits to wanting him too?

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Restless (A Less Is More Story)
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Contemporary Erotic Romance
[21 Pages / 3,300 Words]

With the last of his law school exams behind him, Simon should be in a celebratory mood. Instead, he's a jittery wreck, caught up in wondering what comes next and not at all enjoying the noisy party around him. At least Erik is here. Though not precisely Simon's boyfriend, Erik always has excellent—and intimate—ideas for keeping him grounded.
Restless: A Less Is More Story

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With a Reckless Heart
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Contemporary Romance
[55 Pages / 14,300 Words]

When Reuben drives halfway up a mountain for his daughter's wedding, he's anticipating last-minute errands, unfamiliar faces, and an overwhelmingly emotional day. What he doesn't expect is the gorgeous and brazen young man who keeps getting swept into his orbit.

Dusty seems to be a member of the wedding party, which makes him officially off-limits. The father of the bride has no business flirting with a groomsman, let alone doing any of the other things Reuben finds himself considering. At the very least they should properly introduce themselves, instead of indulging the thrill of being almost total strangers. The fact that Dusty is clearly friends with Reuben's future son-in-law should be all the impetus necessary to behave.

But whoever he is, Dusty is earnest and sweet and impossible to ignore. There will be time for introductions later. For now, what harm can a little flirtation do?
With a Reckless Heart

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A Warm and Distant Dream
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

F/F, Contemporary Fantasy, Friends-to-Lovers
[61 Pages / 15,800 Words]

When Ghita Starns decides distance is the solution to her biggest problem, taking a position as keeper of a magical lighthouse is exactly what she needs. Bad enough she's fallen for someone completely out of bounds; if anyone learns the truth, Ghita doesn't know what she'll do.

Naoko Tasse-Kimura hates that Ghita is moving two-thousand miles away, especially since Naoko's own magical studies keep her too busy to travel. Ghita may be closest with Naoko's parents, but she's Naoko's friend too, and her absence will be intolerable.

Even worse, once Ghita leaves, she starts avoiding Naoko's calls. For Ghita, distance alone isn't enough. She needs to get her stubborn heart under control, one way or another. But Naoko has magic on her side, and she won't let Ghita disappear.
A Warm and Distant Dream

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What's a Devil to Do?
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

NB/F, Paranormal Meet Cute
[25 Pages / 4,000 Words]

Even if Harper had realized demons are real, they never would've anticipated meeting one at a stuffy business conference. Now they're face-to-face with a flustered succubus, who says her name is Tria and wants to know why Harper can see her true form. Posed with such a quandary, what's an asexual enby to do?
What's a Devil to Do?

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Guileless (A Less Is More Story)
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Contemporary Erotic Romance, Friends-to-Lovers
[43 Pages / 10,500 Words]

When Kyle Fisk works up the nerve to proposition Glenn Callahan, he's not at all sure what the man will say. What can a gorgeous businessman like Glenn—strong, stern, and half of a successful corporate partnership with Kyle's mom—possibly see in a chaotic perpetual grad student like him?

But Kyle has been pining too long to give up now. This isn't a seduction. It's an offer, blunt and brazen, and Kyle desperately hopes Glenn will say yes.
Guileless: A Less Is More Story

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The Spaces in Between
(A Clumsy Handful of Stars #2)

AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

F/F, Science Fiction
[44 Pages / 10,000 Words]

When it comes to her crew, Captain Jamila Warwick strives to maintain strict separation between the personal and the professional. Commanding a deep space science vessel does not allow for anything in between. But where comms specialist Aida de Luca is concerned, those lines have begun to blur.

An impossible ship, abandoned in an empty asteroid field, should be the discovery of a lifetime. The vessel is like nothing Warwick's team has ever encountered. But when their investigation puts Aida at risk and raises an unforeseen moral dilemma, Warwick faces a decision that could end her career.
The Spaces in Between

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Encounter at the Flirtatious Fox
Apple / BN / Kobo / SW

M/M, Contemporary Romance, Meet Cute
[16 Pages / 3,000 Words]

When Raleigh—a forty-something silver fox with a stubborn streak—decides it's time to buy his first sex toy, he refuses to retreat just because he has no idea what he's doing. The Flirtatious Fox is a perfect little shop to get his bearings, especially when a knowledgeable and unreasonably attractive employee comes to his rescue. Oliver is candid, enthusiastic, and shockingly easy to talk to. Raleigh won't cross any lines, but he'll take all the help he can get.
Encounter at the Flirtatious Fox

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A Truth so Clear
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Fantasy Romance, Friends-to-Lovers
[34 Pages / 7,800 Words]

Prince Rolan does not require anyone's approval, least of all his studious hermit of a best friend. Newly returned from a dangerous hunt, Rolan should be more than content with the noisy feast in his honor. But when Mietri slips away mid-celebration, Rolan can't ignore his absence.

Most likely Mietri has squirreled away in his study below the castle to fuss with some bewildering quandary of magic. Rolan should not interrupt, no matter how much he craves Mietri's company and attention.

But when those familiar cravings take a new and confusing turn, Rolan isn't strong enough to stay away.
A Truth so Clear

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Sleepless (A Less Is More Story)
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Contemporary, Erotic Romance
[25 Pages / 5,200 Words]

In the exhausted wake of a successful show, Jay comes home in the smallest hours of morning. Despite a week of conflicting schedules, he does his best not to wake his boyfriend. But when Leon surprises him by pinning him to the bed and kissing him breathless, the intimate possibilities are endless.
Sleepless (A Less is More story)

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Christmas Catch (Christmas Shorts)
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Contemporary Christmas Romance
[21 Pages / 4,700 Words]

Every Christmas, Billy helps Cam bake cookies. Lots of cookies. It's a tradition as unshakable as their friendship, and Billy always looks forward to the challenge. But this year, a different kind of heat is igniting in Cam's kitchen. Maybe it's time for a new tradition—one that's urgent and intimate and wickedly sweet.
Christmas Catch

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Tome for the Holidays
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Contemporary Christmas Romance
[43 Pages / 10,500 Words]

Between grad school and the barista gig that helps pay his tuition, Cole Moreau's hands are full. He shouldn't have time or energy to maintain a hopeless crush on Isaac Hamlin, a coffee shop regular who happens to own the bookshop next door. But Isaac is sweet and gorgeous—and being friends with him only exacerbates the problem.

When a Christmas Eve blizzard strands Cole on Isaac's doorstep, the challenges pile up just as deep as the snow shutting down the city. A power outage, a mischievous cat, and only one sleeping bag... None of this leaves room for pining over impossible things.

Isaac is off-limits, but tell that to Cole's stubborn heart.
Tome for the Holidays

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Where the Heart Leads
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Contemporary Erotic Romance, Friends-to-Lovers
[33 Pages / 7,600 Words]

Terry Linn has found a clever solution for an inconvenient crush: invite Elliot Kleiss into his bed without actually admitting he's already fallen hard. Elliot is a friend and mentor, practically family for all the ways he's tangled up in business with Terry's parents. Propositioning him could lead to disaster, but Terry's desperate enough to try.

Maybe a tryst with no strings attached will burn Elliot out of his system. More likely, rejection will be the kick in the pants Terry needs to get over his infatuation. Anything is better than this helpless, pining limbo. As long as Elliot never suspects how deep his feelings truly run, Terry can endure any outcome.

Heartbreak or not, at least he'll finally know where he stands.
Where the Heart Leads

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Intimate Places
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Historical (ish), Erotic Romance
[19 Pages / 4,200 Words]

Prince Tristan Fane keeps many secrets, but the only one that matters is Alric LaMarche. Head of the king's royal guard, Alric has served House Fane with unquestioned loyalty for decades. Any deeper connection is treason.

But Tristan is a man who knows exactly what he wants. And when Alric's desires align perfectly with his own, no force in the entire kingdom can keep them apart.
Intimate Places

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When Dealing with Dragons
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Fantasy, Romance
[50 Pages / 12,200 Words]

When Prince Ercole Calistro's royal parents summon Sir Marion Rook to hunt a troublesome dragon, Ercole is prepared to hate the man on sight. He doesn't care that Rook turns out to be handsome and infuriatingly likable. Superficial charms are meaningless in a man cruel enough to kill a dragon who hasn't even hurt anyone.

When Rook returns from his quest bearing gifts, Ercole wants no part of them. He refuses to share in the spoils of a grievous wrong. Bad enough he failed to sway the king and queen from this course; he has no intention of befriending the sword arm they hired to enact such an injustice.

But Ercole's slights aren't met with the anger he expects. And when Rook admits a dangerous secret, the prince realizes he may have misjudged the old knight after all.
When Dealing with Dragons

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A Christmas Secret (Christmas Shorts)
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Contemporary Holiday Romance
[21 Pages / 3,800 Words]

Christmas is always a stressful time, but this is ridiculous. Between his best friends having a baby three thousand miles away, and hiding his new relationship from his family, Charlie Corbin is ready to implode.

It's not that he doesn't want people to know he's in love with Drew Scott. He'd shout it from the rooftops if he could. But Charlie hasn't figured out how to tell his parents. Life is complicated when it comes to dating his mom's best friend.

Charlie is determined to do this right. He just needs to guard his secret for one Christmas, and what can possibly go wrong with that?
A Christmas Secret

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Why Not More Christmas
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Contemporary Holiday Romance
[42 Pages / 9,700 Words]

Caleb Dell has spent years concealing a stubborn infatuation from company vice president Neal Magnuson. The fact that they no longer work together only exacerbates the problem.

A corporate Christmas party should be the perfect pretext for their paths to cross, but Caleb knows better than to put himself anywhere near Neal at this shindig. Forget business and pleasure: mixing alcohol and secrets is a disastrous idea. Caleb can't risk showing his hand.

But when he discovers Neal needs him, Caleb won't falter. How hard can it be, keeping his mouth shut for one night? He just needs a couple hours to sober up, a modicum of self-restraint, and maybe a reality check for his wayward heart. Then again, it's Christmas, and the terrain of a hopeless crush can change when you least expect.
Why Not More Christmas

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Breathless (A Less Is More Story)
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Contemporary Romantic Erotica
[21 Pages / 4,300 Words]

Seth has some apologizing to do, showing up late when his boyfriend is cooking his favorite meal. Even worse, it seems like he really scared Andre tonight. A bouquet of flowers isn't going to cut it. Good thing Seth has a clever mouth, and plenty of other enthusiastic ideas for how to turn the evening around.

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A Proof of Possibility
(A Clumsy Handful of Stars #1)

AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

F/F, Science Fiction
[20 Pages / 3,800 Words]

Aida de Luca knows better than to defy protocol. As comm specialist, she has no official role in a survey mission on an abandoned planet. Her job is to stay out of trouble, ready in case the science team requires her linguistic expertise.

Venturing alone into a mysterious cave is the most reckless thing she's ever done. But something is calling to her, and it doesn't feel like a threat. Even fear of disappointing Jamila Warwick—Aida's captain and constant source of distraction—can't dissuade her. Though it's impossible to tell what waits beneath the surface, nothing will turn Aida off the path now.

A Proof of Possibility

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A Place Like Home (Christmas Shorts)
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Holiday, Contemporary Romance
[20 Pages / 5,300 Words]

Alan only agreed to work on Christmas Eve because he spends the holiday alone. He's no scrooge—if anything he's a hopeless romantic—it's just that his best friend's complicated life means celebrating in January, when Jamie can visit. But instead of an empty house, Alan finds a surprise waiting for him: Jamie has arrived ahead of schedule, daughter in tow. And for the first time in years, Alan's delighted to be home for the holidays.
A Place Like Home

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Not Much of a Christmas Miracle (Christmas Shorts)
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Holiday, Contemporary Romance
[18 Pages / 4,700 Words]

After years of hiding his feelings, Eric can't believe he kissed his boss. Even worse, in the wake of his misstep Vincent is trying to reassign him. If Eric wants to stay, he needs to convince Vincent his infatuation won't be a problem. Christmas Eve is no time for confrontations, but if Eric is lucky, it might be a time for unexpected miracles.
Not Much of a Christmas Miracle

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A Brand New Patch of Sky
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Science Fiction, Romance
[20 Pages / 5,000 Words]

Starship pilot Mitch Kato doesn't make a habit of pining for the impossible. He's always kept tight hold on the inconvenient feelings he harbors for his captain, Solomon Finn. But when a close scrape grounds Sol's ship and threatens to scatter the crew, Mitch finds himself making an unexpected promise. As he and Sol consider a different trajectory, Mitch wonders if their longstanding friendship might be the beginning of something more.
A Brand New Patch of Sky

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Wonderly Wroth
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Fantasy, Erotic Romance
[36 Pages / 8,100 Words]

Arthur knows he is destined to die at Camlann. But when the Lady Merlin enlists a powerful enchantment to save him—an enchantment to tether Arthur's life to Lancelot's—the magic carries unintended consequences. Lancelot's strength could be Arthur's salvation, but what of the deeper connection that now binds the king to his most loyal knight? The connection is only temporary, but when Arthur learns the truth of Lancelot's feelings for him, their friendship could change forever.
Wonderly Wroth

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Especially at Christmas (Christmas Shorts)
AMZ / Apple / BN / Kobo / SW / All Buy Links

M/M, Contemporary, Erotic Romance
[20 Pages / 5,500 Words]

For the first time in five years, Andrew is single at Christmas.

At least he's not spending the holidays alone: his roommate is here to share the ups and downs of the season. Jake may be out of Andrew's league, but they make a good team. Then Jake kisses him in the middle of a noisy Christmas party, and changes all the rules.

Andrew doesn't believe in Christmas miracles. But maybe, just this once, he can make an exception.

Especially at Christmas

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