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Matters of Heart

M/M Contemporary Romance

Matters of Heart is no longer available for individual purchase, but can be found in the collection:
Hearts Right Here

In the past twenty years, Marco Spinelli has turned Spinelli Medical Technologies into an international powerhouse. But he hasn't done it alone. Adam is Marco's best friend, his business partner, and the genius behind their wildly profitable corporate ventures. Marco can't imagine his life without Adam at his side, exactly like this—until a gala and an unexpected encounter make him crave something more. Now he needs to sort through his own confused feelings, before a misunderstanding destroys the most important friendship of his life.


Adam's eyes flew wide as he landed astride Marco's lap. Shock, incredulity, a flash of warmth—all glinted in the silence as Adam stared at Marco, lips parted in wordless disbelief. Adam's hands had landed on Marco's shoulders for balance, and he gripped uncomfortably tight, apparently unable to let go. His knees dug into Marco's hips and made the leather of the chair creak.

His weight across Marco's thighs was enough to short-circuit any higher brain function, but Marco still managed to draw a steadying breath and say, "God, Adam, if you had any idea how many times I've thought about this..."

They were almost of a height now, Marco's advantage of several inches negated by Adam's current position. Adam's eyes fell closed at the cautious curl of Marco's fingers around the nape of his neck, and a barely audible sigh escaped him.

Perfect stillness held between them, and Marco watched Adam closely, riveted by the sight of dark eyelashes and barely parted lips. Surprise tumbled alongside the desire spreading beneath his skin, and he wondered how he could have missed this. He knew Adam so well—better than anyone else in his life—but somehow hadn't seen that the attraction between them simmered both ways. He wished he could read Adam's face amid the shadows, but something told him even daylight wouldn't help. He doubted his own senses after failing to notice such a fundamental truth.

He had taken Adam Callaghan for granted, when he could have been digging deeper. Now he knew better, and his body yearned to do something about it.

Marco wondered if this was a new understanding to Adam, or if Adam too had harbored fantasies for years, guarded even more closely than Marco's own. He wondered what Adam was thinking now, what might be going on behind those closed and restless eyes. There was no sign of Adam's usual cool reserve. There was only the sweet thrill of anticipation twining intimately between them.

Stillness fell away, scattered by rising need, and Marco tugged Adam the last of the short distance toward him.

Their first kiss started light and careful, but it didn't stay that way. How could Marco be expected to hold back when Adam responded instantly, coming alive beneath his hands, lips parting like an invitation? Of course Marco responded in kind. He tugged Adam tighter against him, relishing the easy way Adam melted for the smallest touch, the desperation in the arm Adam wrapped around his shoulders.

Fucking hell, why had they never done this before?

When they broke apart, Marco needed a moment to collect himself. He kept his eyes closed and drew a steadying breath, the warm sensations in his chest nearly enough to overwhelm him. The reality of Adam in his arms was even better than the idle fantasies Marco had indulged through the years.

He opened his eyes and found Adam staring, expression perplexed. Confusion cut a deep crease between Adam's narrow eyebrows. He was peering at Marco like a puzzle to be solved.

Read the full story in Hearts Right Here
Book Cover Matters of Heart: chunky text over a brightly colored nighttime cityscape with an enormous moon in the sky
Cover design by Natasha Snow
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