All the Way Home
I'll Be Warm
M/M, Contemporary Christmas Romance
[167 Pages / 46,000 Words]
Driving home for the holidays, Jamie Phipps can't believe his car has broken down only four hours from the finish line. At least he finds distraction in the arms of a gorgeous older man. When they part ways, Jamie hopes a string of sweet text messages means they'll stay in touch.
For now, it's nearly Christmas, and Jamie has other worries. Like hitching a ride with his sister for the final leg of the journey. Like his car, stranded at the repair shop for want of parts. Like meeting his father's closest friend, Victor Leone, a stranger Jamie doesn't remember at all.
But when Jamie crosses his parents' threshold, Victor is no stranger. And even worse than the mutual shock of realizing he slept with his dad's best friend: Jamie can't stop craving an encore. It doesn't matter how powerfully the attraction simmers between them. If anyone learns the truth, their secret will ruin more than just Christmas.
Jamie knows Victor is off limits. If only he could make his stubborn heart believe it.
By the time they pull up at the curb in front of his sister's condo, any momentary strangeness has evaporated in favor of a shared reluctance to part ways. Jamie knows it's mutual, from the way Sam turns off the engine and then watches him with soul-piercing intensity. Sam's handsome face sits in a stern look now, but Jamie's not the slightest bit intimidated. He feels an answering somber weight behind his ribs. A refusal to let this be the end, even though it has to be.
"Thanks for everything," Jamie finally says when he's able to speak, and his voice comes out a little bit raspy.
"Thanks for the company." Sam watches him with a quieter smile. "You gonna be able to collect your car once they finish with it?"
"Yeah." Jamie unclicks his seatbelt and glances up the driveway. The garage door is still closed, which means Claudia and Lou haven't even started loading up the car yet. "Someone in my family should be able to drive me. Or there's always the bus."
"I wish I could offer you another ride," Sam says wistfully, "but I'll probably be busy after the holidays. I don't think I'll have an excuse to come back this direction anytime soon."
This observation makes Jamie more desperate than ever to demand some clue where Sam is ultimately going to land, but it's no more his business now than it was yesterday. Hell, what good would it do even if he knew? No matter how far along the interstate Sam's planning to travel, Jamie will be going back to the west coast at the end of January. If Sam's not going to make it even this far west anytime soon, there's no way he'll drive all the way to Spokane, Washington for...
What? A hookup? A date? A relationship they don't have?
Jamie's got no business getting this attached, this goddamn quickly, to a man he met less than twenty-four hours ago, whose last name he doesn't even know.
But if this is finally time for goodbye, then damn it, Jamie's going to make sure it's a good one.
He slides to the middle of the bench seat, right into Sam's personal space, and curls a hand beneath Sam's chin to tug him into a kiss. Jamie spares only the most fleeting concern over someone spotting him from the house. Even if someone sees him kissing Sam—even if they want to be judgmental—this is between Jamie and Sam and no one else. Anyone who wants to have an opinion about it can fuck right off.
Sam barely hesitates before tangling his fingers in Jamie's hair, kissing him back with a dizzying mix of wistfulness, yearning, affection. There's no suggestion of sex in this kiss, despite the passion they shared last night. It's a goodbye. Both of them grasping at one last fleeting connection before Jamie has to get out of the car.
"Text me, okay?" Jamie says breathlessly when Sam reluctantly pushes him away. "Please? Whenever you get to your friend's house? I want to know you made it in one piece."
"I will," Sam vows, then kisses him once more. Quick and hard this time, and so desperate that it takes every scrap of Jamie's willpower just to get out of the car. He drags his luggage from the backseat with a helpless twinge of loss, hating the finality of the sound as he slams the door shut and backs all the way onto the sidewalk.
He waves goodbye and waits as Sam pulls away down the street, watching the car disappear through a cloudy dusting of snow.
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Cover design by Yolande Kleinn
ISBN 978-1-946316-53-0